Beam on image test another world first for Ingham Institute

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Ingham Institute
This Wednesday’s “beam on image” test at the Ingham Institute could pave the way for much more effective radiotherapy treatments.

Ingham Institute cancer researchers are about to perform the first-ever “beam on image’’ research test with the newly assembled MRI-Linac in a high-tech research bunker at Liverpool Hospital.

The “beam on image’’ test represents the first image ever taken using a piece of anatomy.

The MRI-Linac combines an MRI magnet with a Linac Accelerator (a radiation cancer treatment machine) to improve the accuracy and precision of radiotherapy treatment for cancer.

The revolutionary technology at Liverpool Hospital is one of only three in the world and utilises a new world first technological concept and design.

Signifying the MRI-Linac’s position as an Australian icon on the forefront of the world of health and science, the first image taken will be of another Australian icon in the form of a kangaroo steak.

“The first test of the MRI-Linac is a result of many years of hard work from the Ingham Institute’s team of scientists and researchers,’’ says Professor Michael Barton, Ingham Institute Research Director.

“It’s incredible to see it all put together and working so well,’’ says Prof Barton, who is also a radiation oncologist and MRI-Linac chief investigator.

“We are already discovering new effects that will change cancer treatment.’’

Radiotherapy is a mode of cancer treatment that uses a Linear Accelerator to produce X-rays that kill or damage tumours to stop them from growing.

However, in doing this, the radiation process may also damage normal tissue in the way of the radiation beam during the treatment.

[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“Radiation treatments for cancer must take into account changes that can occur to the location and shape of tumours, which move as a result of breathing, swallowing and other normal body changes,’’ says associate professor Gary Liney, senior MRI physicist at the Ingham Institute.[/social_quote]

“This is where the strength of the MRI-Linac system comes into play, as it is the only system that will enable us to target the tumour with the radiation beam much more accurately in real time and have control over the radiation dose.’’

Until now, the MRI and the Linac have worked separately.

By joining them together as the MRI-Linac the Ingham Institute has a system that enables a real time view of tumours that stretches way beyond basic anatomy, including the chemical structure of tumours and normal tissues.

The unique design of the system gives Ingham Institute scientists and cancer researchers the ability to position the treatment or radiation beam in two different arrangements, a world first.

[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“The Ingham Institute’s flagship MRI-Linac system is one of the most exciting initiatives I have worked on in my research career and it will improve the effectiveness of cancer treatment for patients in our community, Australia and around the world,” Prof Barton said.[/social_quote]

The first ever “beam on image’’ research test with the newly assembled MRI-Linac will be performed on Wednesday, January 20 from 11am at the Ingham Institute research bunker at Liverpool Hospital.

For further information about the Ingham Institute MRI-Linac visit YouTube here.


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