Champion of young people calls for annual youth festival

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Councillor Josh Cotter says there’s enough talented young people in Campbelltown to make an annual youth festival a big hit.

At last night’s council meeting Cr Cotter received overwhelming support for his call to look into the feasibility of holding such an event.

Speaking to his notice of motion, Cr Cotter, who is currently deputy mayor, said it would be important to get the views of young people.

“It is a key aspect, to authentically engage with young people as we look into this proposal,’’ he said.

“But I can tell you that there are lots of talented young people who would make a big contribution to the success of a youth festival.’’

Labor leader Darcy Lound commended Cr Cotter, pictured above in a file photo with local young people.

“It’s a fantastic notice of motion, well done and thank you,’’ said Cr Lound, his words echoed by Cr Warren Morrison and Cr Masud Khalil.

But Cr Cotter, the emerging champion of young people in Campbelltown, wasn’t finished just yet, tabling a second notice of motion.

In that one he called on council to include specific features and spaces in the new central library design “that cater to the needs of the diverse and growing youth population in our community’’.

Council has approved plans to relocate the city library to the heart of Queen Street, in the old Spotlight Plaza building.

Cr Cotter called for a feasibility study into meeting the needs of local youth in the new library space.

He also asked that council actively engage with youth in our community as part of the feasibility study, which also received the backing of the other councillors.

“I think the new library will be a success, but it is important that we try to include our youth in our considerations,’’ he said.

“Our youth do need space around the LGA and providing it in the new library space is part of that strategic direction,’’ Cr Cotter said.

“Again, we should seek young people’s meaningful participation in the co-design process of new library spaces, features, and programs.’’

Council has not yet announced when the library will be relocated to Queen Street.

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