To celebrate Local Government Week Campbelltown Council last Friday hosted the first ever local Amazing Race.
Teams of local students competed against one another as they worked their way across Campbelltown City.
They followed a series of clues and completed set challenges in an effort to be the first team to arrive at Campbelltown Arts Centre.
This honour went to Eagle Vale High School’s team.
Our Council, Our Community, the 2016 Local Government theme inspired the event.
The aim was to highlight the variety of Campbelltown activities featured in the 30 Things for Young People to do in Macarthur under $15 resource that was developed and launched by Macarthur Youth Services Network during Youth Week this year.

Teams visited a number of the sites featured in the resource, starting out at Simmo’s Beach in Macquarie Fields, where participants got a taste for the challenge ahead with their first task – digging for treasure to locate the clue that would send them on their way.
The race involved seven transit legs (by bus and on foot) as the teams made their way between a host of locations to complete each challenge – from Macquarie Fields Skate Park and Greg Percival Library in the north, to Macarthur Square, Bradbury basketball courts, Dumaresq Street Cinema and Campbelltown Arts Centre in the south.
Mayor of Campbelltown, Cr Paul Hawker, said the Campbelltown Amazing Race initiative helped to highlight the fact that councils are closely connected to their communities, working collaboratively with residents, community groups and businesses to provide facilities and services that are important to peoples’ lives.
“Showcasing the variety of leisure opportunities available to local young people through a fun and challenging event like this was a great way to engage our community,” Cr Hawker said.

“The initiative provided an opportunity for local young people to explore their city and gain a broader understanding of how their local council is part of their community, as well as the range of services and facilities available to them,” Cr Hawker added.
“Congratulations to all the teams that participated in the event – including the winners, from Eagle Vale High School – I hope each participant had the opportunity to discover a little more of their own backyard on their travels, and will be inspired to re-visit some of the locations in the future.”
The Campbelltown Amazing Race was made possible through the support of Lend Lease Macarthur Square, King Pin Bowling and Dumaresq Street Cinema, Youth Off The Streets, PCYC and #FistsDown.
To keep up to date with local youth initiatives, follow council’s youth page on Facebook here.