After a challenging year in 2020 when most library events were held online, Wollondilly Library staff say they are excited to be welcoming residents back in person for some of their favourite adults and children’s programs.
Regular story time and toddler time sessions have returned this week, with families keen to get out of the house to take part in the story and craft activities.
This is all being done in a Covid safe environment, with bookings required to make sure numbers are within the guidelines.
Staff are also busy preparing to celebrate Library Lovers Day on Monday, 15 February, the day after Valentine’s Day, in collaboration with NSW Public Libraries.
This is an annual celebration of the valuable role that libraries play in the community with an appropriate theme for 2021 – Make a date with your library.
Residents are invited to test their knowledge in the Lovers Quiz and could win a romantic dinner for two at the George IV Inn.
There is also an opportunity for a mystery date with a book – selected library books will be wrapped and displayed in the library for readers to take home and unwrap as a reading surprise.
“It was amazing to see how well our library adapted to Covid-19 restrictions last year, with so many programs run successfully online,” says Wollondilly mayor Robert Khan.
“As restrictions ease, I’m sure everyone will be glad to get back to normal and see each other face to face. I encourage everyone to get back to their local library and make the most of everything it has to offer.”
Wollondilly Library Services have been operating in accordance with the NSW Libraries Covid-19 safety plan, taking into consideration the most popular and essential services that can be delivered safely for customers throughout the different stages of Covid-19.
All the great digital services that were available during lockdown, including eBooks and eAudio, Beamafilm and StudioSity will continue to be available in 2021 and can still be accessed from the comfort of the user’s living room.
The mobile library van has also been out and about in the community since July 2020, loaded with books and welcomed in towns and villages across the Shire.
More regular programs will resume in the Library building soon.
Head to the Wollondilly Library website to book in for a story time session and keep up to date with any changes.