South West Sydney researchers, entrepreneurs and innovators who want to start or scale their ventures can get funding from a new $700,000 program.
A health tech entrepreneurship funding hub by UNSW based in Liverpool, it will support students, staff, and alumni to build entrepreneurial skills to found and create companies.
The UNSW Founders program is an expansion to South West Sydney of a dedicated entrepreneurship unit .
“We’re incredibly excited to bring our highly successful UNSW Founders program to South West Sydney,” says Professor Claire Annesley, the UNSW executive lead for the Greater Sydney Strategy.
“The Health Tech Entrepreneurship program will be a unique offering within the Liverpool Innovation Precinct where we can cultivate the next generation of entrepreneurs with a specific focus on supporting unmet needs in the region,’’ Prof Annesley said.
“One of the aims of the new program is to encourage women and founders from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds into entrepreneurship.
“Programs tailored to facilitate this include the New Wave program for female founders and Impact X for those from a CALD background.”
UNSW’s investment has received further support from Liverpool Innovation Precinct. Activities to support the promotion of this program to the Precinct will be supported by Investment NSW.
Lance Chia, director investment and innovation at the Liverpool Innovation Precinct said the significance of UNSW’s investment in the Health Tech Entrepreneurship program to the local community could not be underestimated.
“Health and social assistance is the largest employer in the region, which is also rich in cultural diversity and under-represented groups,’’ Mr Chia said.
“They will be the primary beneficiaries of this exciting initiative by being able to tap into the UNSW Founders expertise locally to create new businesses, create new jobs right where they live and, contribute directly to the economic development of South Western Sydney.”
In its first year, the Health Tech Entrepreneurship program will offer a breakfast workshop series, a Pitch Night competition, a New Wave program (targeting female founders) and an Impact X program (specifically designed for early-stage startups and teams) and more.