Local tradies can enjoy a free breakfast, find out more about health and wellbeing and celebrate their contribution to the region’s economy.
The R U OK? tradies brekkie will run from 5am to 9am on Thursday, September 8 at Victoria Park, Menangle Street, Picton.
It will also be an opportunity for tradies to catch up with each other as well as local businesses, councils and State Government, and to link into services such as the Service NSW Business Concierge.
The event will be hosted by Wollondilly Shire Council, Wingecarribee Shire Council, Picton Chamber of Commerce and the state MP for Wollondilly Nathaniel Smith.
“The construction industry is the largest employer in Wollondilly, so this is a great opportunity to acknowledge the tradies and their input into our region’s economy,’’ says Wollondilly mayor Matt Gould.
“As part of R U OK? day we want to make sure everyone has the resources they need to stay healthy and have those important conversations with their mates; so we will have information available at the breakfast about some of the health and wellbeing services that are available.”
President of the Picton Chamber of Commerce Jo-Anne Bentley said that they were delighted to be part of the tradies’ brekkie.
“Our Wollondilly tradies and their families are a core part of our local economy and our community, and we are honoured to be able to acknowledge their massive contribution to our region by participating in this event,’’ she said.
“On behalf of not only our members, but all Wollondilly businesses we want to say a big thank you.”
Member for Wollondilly, Nathaniel Smith said he was looking forward to having a chat with tradies and thanking them for their contribution to Wollondilly.
“Beyond their professional lives, many of our tradies volunteer in the RFS, SES, sporting groups and men’s sheds making them a valued and vital part of our community.’’
Damian Tudehope, the NSW minister for finance and employee relations and Victor Dominello, the minister for customer service and digital government, small business and fair trading will be attending.
Tradies are encouraged to register in advance to win one of 10 prizes on offer, valued at $1000. To register or find out more, go to https://wollondillytradiesbrekkie.eventbrite.com.au/