Thomas Reddall High School in Ambarvale has air-conditioning in nine of its 38 classrooms.
It’s easily at the top of the list of local schools with the lowest number of air conditioned classrooms.
But Campbelltown MP Greg Warren says it also means that Thomas Reddall High will be the big winner if Labor wins the next NSW election in six months.
He says that Labor’s $800m Cool Schools policy will result in air conditioning installed in 188 classrooms across 17 schools in the Campbelltown electorate.
“I can guarantee thousands of Campbelltown students and teachers will breathe a cool, sigh of relief if Labor wins the March 2019 state election,’’ says Mr Warren.
“The figures [below] speak for themselves – less than a quarter of the classrooms at Thomas Reddall High School have air-conditioning.
“Almost two thirds of classrooms at Leumeah High School and half at Eagle Vale High School also don’t have air-conditioning either.
“Campbelltown Performing Arts High School, Ambarvale High School, Airds High School, Kentlyn Public School and Leumeah Public School aren’t much better either with almost half of the classrooms at those schools not equipped with air-conditioning,’’ Mr Warren said.
“NSW Labor’s policy wouldn’t just benefit a select few electorates, it would enhance the learning environments of every single child in every public school throughout the state.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“No student will be forced to sit, suffer and sweat profusely through a scorching summer again if Labor wins the March 2019 state election.”[/social_quote]
According to figures obtained through Freedom of Information, this is the air conditioning state of play in local schools:
- Leumeah High School (20 out of 54 classrooms have air conditioning installed)
- Leumeah Public School (12 out of 24 classrooms)
- Eagle Vale High School (26 out of 54 classrooms)
- Kentlyn Public School (3 out of 7 classrooms)
- Campbelltown Performing Arts High School (28 out of 53 classrooms)
- Ambarvale High School (38 out of 67 classrooms)
- Airds High School (33 out of 53 classrooms)
It would be interesting if the government would publish the list of the private schools that don’t have 100% of their classrooms fully airconditioned as well as having heated pools