There’s something about our new treasurer that’s different. Scott Morrison is not content with short term solutions and that’s something to like about him.
Whether as immigration minister or when he was briefly in charge of social security, Morrison wanted to find real, long terms solutions to problems.
Which is the opposite of what most run of the mill politicians do. Usually they will seek a solution that just shuts us up.
That’s us as in the voters. And we have been paying the price for setting the bar so low for too many years. Especially in key areas such as transport and technology.
Look at our roads, railway tracks and other public transport systems. They are poor to average at best when compared with similar countries overseas.
As for the internet – speeds and capacity – well, don’t even mention that. We really are hopeless, disgracefully so when compared with most European countries and the USA and Canada.
Sure, with the NBN slowly coming on line things are starting to improve, but it’s a case of “about bloody time’’.
In Sydney of course the major issue is the state of our roads. An extra lane here, a little new sidestreet there, that will keep the punters happy for a year or two.
The current government is talking about getting Sydney moving, but believe me, it’s just talk.
When finally complete, WestConnex will make a reasonable difference to a lot of motorists but it won’t last.
What we need is road construction that will cater to growth for the next 50-60 years.
At the moment our political masters think they can get away with 5-10 years of planning ahead.
Out here in the south west, even for people who live and work here, traffic problems are rapidly becoming the number one issue.
It’s incredible to think that not long ago we used to laugh about traffic congestion in other parts of Sydney.
But now these issues are coming to bite us as well and the lamentable lack of local leadership doesn’t bode well.
In Campbelltown, the number one need is for a bridge over the railway line at Badgally Road, but council says it has no money.
In Liverpool, its central business district is incredibly hard to get out of but nobody seems sure of the solution.
Either way, both locally and nationally, we need long term solutions.
Which means we need more politicians like Scott Morrison.
I agree with your general sentiments – we need to build road infrastructure before it is needed, not when it becomes an overdue necessity. That’s what we used to do!
However, I question your craving for another bridge over the railway.
This would bring Badgally Road over the railway and connect it with Hurley Street, Queen Street and Broughton Street, turning each of these four streets into major highways. It would bring unwanted heavy through traffic right into the very centre of Campbelltown. We should instead be directing traffic around the periphery of the Campbelltown CBD, not straight through its heart.
If we are talking about constructing bridges, it’s time to build the long overdue four lane bridge over the Georges River at Cambridge Avenue to replace the dangerous, narrow, inadequate and submersible nineteenth century causeway!
The next test after duplicating Narrellan Road will be Appin Road. With so much new development, it is already becoming overloaded and it is already in dire need of a major upgrade – but please don’t direct it all straight into the Campbelltown CBD!
The Oran Park-Gregory Hills-Badgally-Broughton Rd/St/Dr is going to be a major thoroughfare no matter what, if we end it at the rail line we just funnel traffic onto Blaxland Rd towards Narellan or Campbelltown Rd to get over the rail line, we need more than 2 ways over the rail line in Campbelltown, be it here on a direct line/main road or a Dumaresq Street Extension towards the Blair Athol lights it has to happen or Narellan/Campbelltown Rd intersections will worsen
Appin Road will b widened but it’ll likely be 3-10 years before its double lanes divided road