Tapping into the latest technology to boost farm productivity and reduce input costs has paid dividends for the Cameron’s Nursery team.
With funding support and expert guidance from Greater Sydney Local Land Services, owners Andy and Sonja Cameron were able to install Wi Fi and environmental sensors at their business and have quickly realised the benefits.
“Since installing the sensors we are able to monitor our water and on site weather anywhere and anytime,” Sonja said.
“This has dramatically boosted our productivity by taking the guess work out of measuring the environmental factors affecting our business.
“It also allows us to react quickly to any signs of crop spoilage.
“This technology has been a great tool for our business and Greater Sydney Local Land Services has been an excellent partner in introducing this new innovation.”
Greater Sydney Local Land Services agricultural advisory team will give Sydney growers a chance to hear this success story and see the technology firsthand at a field day on Thursday, July 21.
Senior Land Services Officer (Mixed Farming Systems) Peter Conasch said the event was open to growers from across all industries.
“This technology is so advanced it can be adapted to any agricultural/horticultural enterprise as well as animal production systems like poultry,” he said.
“Nutrient run off from intensive industry both on and off farm is a very real issue for farmers and through this event we hope to demonstrate the benefits of using Wi Fi monitoring systems with integrated controllers, sensors and readers.”
The three hour event will feature a field walk showcasing the latest in Wi-Fi environmental sensors for nutrient and greenhouse monitoring, innovative solutions to monitor pH, EC, Humidity, Soil Moisture, Soil Temperature, Leaf wetness, Lux Levels, solar radiation and tank volumes and much more.
The event will be held at Cameron’s Nursery, 118 Arcadia Road, Arcadia from 9.30am – 12.30pm on Thursday, 21 July.
For further information or to RSVP contact Peter Conasch on 0427 741 956 or email him at peter.conasch@lls.nsw.gov.au.