For 25 years Councillor Sue Dobson has railed against developments which have threatened the wildlife habitat in Campbelltown.
In the past four years her focus has been on helping to stop plans for a cemetery on the Scenic Hills and the rezoning of historic rural property Mt Gilead for large scale housing.
Cr Dobson is the leading candidate of the Community Service – Environment ticket for this Saturday’s elections and if she is re-elected one of her priorities will be to try to keep the heritage of Mt Gilead intact.
She will have a massive challenge as the State Government is determined to add to the housing stock of the Sydney metropolitan area via new releases like Mt Gilead and Macarthur South.
She says Mt Gilead, when complete, would add around 25,000 more cars on Appin Road and that is a major concern.
“Every air quality report in the past has shown the South of Campbelltown has air quality issues,’’ says Cr Dobson.
“We cop Sydney’s air pollution already and poor air quality puts our community at higher risks for long term major health problems.’’
Development of Mt Gilead also means a threat to the environment, according to Cr Dobson.
“Mt Gilead is the shortest point of land mass between two major river systems, the Georges and Nepean and they are already under threat from gas wells and urban runoff.
“Mt Gilead should be left alone for its environmental and heritage value that is of national significance – it is priceless,’’ Cr Dobson says.
However, Cr Dobson insists the Community Service – Environment ticket is not against development that’s properly planned and delivered with the appropriate infrastructure.

“Any future development should not destroy our environmentally sensitive areas such as the Scenic Hills, Georges River open spaces, koala habitats and movement corridors,’’ she says.
Cr Dobson served one year as mayor in 2012-13 and one of the highlights was to welcome a head of State to Campbelltown.
That was Philipino president Benigno Aquino, who officially unveilled the statue of Jose Rizal in Rizal Park, Rosemeadow.
“This unveiling built strong ties between Campbelltown and the Philippines and the statue of Jose Rizal is one of our city’s most recognisable landmarks,’’ Cr Dobson says.
Another highlight was the mayoral fundraiser to help Blairmount Public School improve conditions for disadvantaged children.
As mayor Cr Dobson also unveiled a plaque at the entrance to Dharawal National Park honouring those who fought in the campaign to save the O’Hares Creek Gorge.
Looking ahead to the next four years, Cr Dobson says she will push for deck parking across Campbelltown to solve the parking shortfall but oppose rate rises.
Other priorities include better community services and protection for koalas and wildlife habitats.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“What I love best about Campbelltown is our heritage, a beautiful sensitive environment which contains Sydney’s last disease free breeding koalas,’’ Cr Dobson says.[/social_quote]
“I also love the ability of our community to achieve, whether it’s academically or in sports or the arts.
“I love the people who work hard in local and state community services across the board to make Campbelltown a better place in which to live.’’
Thank u Eric Kontos