Over the past 16 years scores of local students have completed their one week’s retail work placement requirement at the Best & Less store in Macarthur Square.
One student every week since 2002 has had the opportunity to work in the store and put what they are learning in the classroom to practice.
These Year 11 and 12 students are studying retail as part of their Higher School Certificate and work placement is a compulsory requirement.
Best & Less store manager Biljana Omcikus is passionate about our local youth and providing them with opportunity.
Ms Omcikus, who joined Best & Less 13 years ago working on the shop floor, treats the students as team members.
They work the same hours and share the same breaks and get to attend the team meetings.
Ms Omcikus is an advocate of the work placement providers.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“MWLP Linking Youth take care of everything,’’ she says.[/social_quote]
“There is not a lot of paperwork, making everything streamlined.
“We get all the support we need.
“I really like receiving the calendars notifying me of who and when students are starting.
“I like to meet with the students, before they commence, to get an idea of where they would be best suited,” Ms Omcikus said.
The students’ tasks include customer service, fitting room service, stock merchandising and presentation.
“Seeing the difference in students from day one to day five is very rewarding,’’ she said.
“It is the best way to interview.
“We have hired plenty of casuals through the program.
“Not only do we get to assess the students for attitude and initiative, we get an extra pair of hands to assist us in our busy store.”
The win win work placement program means students get vital on the job experience necessary to pass their HSC and attain their Certificate III in retail operations.
“We have over 500 businesses that between them host some 6,000 students each year and without the commitment from enthusiastic managers like Biljana this valuable program wouldn’t exist,” says MWLP work placement consultant for industry Peter Miller.
If your business would like to know how the work placement program can assist you visit www.mwlp.com.au or phone MWLP on 4625 1863. The students are fully insured and free.
We have hired plenty of casuals through the program, says Best & Less store manager Biljana Omcikus (right), pictured with assistant store manager Cassie Murray.
Cherie Moulang look who it is!
Yes my wonderful Cassandra
Biljana and her team at Best&Less are wonderful supporters of our youth. Thanks South West Voice for helping us spread the word about the value of work placement for both the host employer and student. ?
Thank you Eric for continuing to highlight such community gems
Grant Carney