Campbelltown MP Greg Warren has called for an extension to the community consultation period on proposed routes for the Spring Farm Parkway section linking Menangle Road and Appin Road.
There are four proposed routes linking the two roads as part of the major congestion busting project.
When all stages are complete it will provide a brand new link between Camden and Campbelltown south.
Mr Warren said he understood community members would hold various views about what was the most practical and sensible option.
However, opening the community consolation period for just a few weeks and in the busy period leading up to Christmas, was simply a tokenistic gesture from Transport for NSW.
The consultation period will end on December 11.
“Whatever route is chosen could impact a significant number of residents in Campbelltown’s south,” Mr Warren said.
“This is the busiest time of year so holding the consultation period now is nothing but a box ticking exercise.
“The period needs to be open until at least late January, 2021, to give the community adequate time to assess the options and provide feedback.”
Options 001 and 002 run to the south of Rosemeadow and Glen Alpine, and in certain sections seem to dissect existing properties.
Both of these options are the shortest and most cost effective.
Options 403 and 424 are longer, more expensive and don’t appear to run through any existing housing estates or existing homes, rather they are located in existing green space.
“I know residents in Rosemeadow and Glen Alpine would have strong views about the proposed road running next to their southern boundary fences,” said Mr Warren, pictured below.

“I also know there would be plenty of residents concerned about the environmental impacts of routes 403 and 424.
“Either way, whatever side of the fence you sit on, you deserve to have adequate time to assess the proposals and formulate a response.
“The NSW Liberal Government have dragged the chain for years regarding the Spring Farm Parkway, so it won’t hurt to extend the consultation period by a month or so.”
To check out the route options and have your say visit https://v2.communityanalytics.com.au/rms/link-road-corridor