A councillor briefing will now be held on the events, ceremonies and memorials program of Campbelltown Council.
That was the outcome of the first of the record 10 notices of motion debated at the last meeting of council.
The above motion was submitted by Cr Adam Zahra, who wanted council to provide a report detailing the itemised costing of the International Mother Language Day flag raising ceremony held on February 21 at the Campbelltown City Council forecourt.
As part of his notice of motion, Cr Zahra also asked that council provide an itemised listing of events/ceremonies/memorials funded by the ratepayer for the past financial year.
This motion was lost when put to the vote, and replaced with a council briefing proposal, which got the green light.
Cr Zahra made it none from two when his second notice of motion, relating to enlisting the support of politicians to get funding for the duplication of the Raby Road-M31 overpass also failed to get a majority.
He did better with his third motion, about extra resources for Campbelltown Hospital, which was carried – one out of three for Cr Zahra.
The fourth motion was by new councillor, Seta Berbari, seeking a review on the seniors festival and how council can make it even better in Campbelltown. It was given the nod when put to the vote.
Also sailing through was her second notice of motion, asking for a new Australia Day award for people with disabilities.
Cr Warren Morison also received backing for his motion calling for a report on the feasibility of additional charging stations for alternative transportation, such as mobility scooters, e-bikes and e-scooters.
Cr Josh Cotter also got backing for his motion for a report exploring ways council can support existing and future charities connect to local, state, federal funding and other opportunities to increase their grassroots support to Campbelltown.
The eighth motion was by Cr Karen Hunt (pictured above), calling for a community expo and seminar in collaboration with key stakeholders involved in koala conservation. It was carried.
Cr Hunt tabled a second motion, asking that council investigate and report on the feasibility of introducing images locally designed as wheelie bin stickers for residents to purchase to beautify their street environment and promote our local flora and fauna.
It also sailed through, leaving the last motion, also by Cr Hunt, asking for a council report on the feasibility of installing a basic outdoor remote control toy vehicle race track at an appropriate venue within Campbelltown.
It was also given the green light.