Knowledge is power when it comes to promoting good health and lowering your risk of cancer.
Just ask Doctor Eugene Moylan, the Director of Cancer Services at Liverpool Hospital, who will be a key speaker at a forum that will focus on cancer later this month.
The free Answers on Cancers community forum on October 15 will be hosted by South Western Sydney Primary Health Network (PHN).
It will feature talks from local clinical experts on prostate, cervical, breast, bowel and other cancers.
They will speak about what people can do to minimise cancer risk, modern cancer screening and treatment options that are available in the area.
Dr Moylan will speak specifically about breast, cervical and bowel cancer, as well as current screening and treatment options.
“It is important to know about screening and what is appropriate,” he said.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“Talk to your GP.’’[/social_quote]
He said screening was important because it identifies pre-cancerous or early cancerous changes, and finding cancer early means there is a better chance of treating it.
“Cancer is a sneaky process and being aware is important,” Dr Moylan said.
“You don’t always get the symptoms at an early stage – people need to know screening can detect it early and if detected early, cancer can be treated and the success rate for early detection is high.’’
The forum is supported by Liverpool Catholic Club, South Western Sydney Local Health District, BreastScreen NSW, Cancer Council NSW and the Ingham Institute.
To register your interest and receive more information about the event, contact South Western Sydney PHN on 4632 3000 or email community@swsphn.com.au.
WHAT – Answers on Cancers forum;
WHEN – Saturday, 15 October, from 10am to 1pm;
WHERE – Liverpool Catholic Club, Hoxton Park Road.