As the majority of us go home tonight to a warm house, comfortable bed and a loving family, spare a thought for more than 100,000 people in Sydney who are homeless and many, through no fault of their own, are homeless because of domestic violence, says local MP Chris Hayes.
May is Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month and Mr Hayes is calling on everyone to be part of the discussion about this sensitive issue.
“In my area alone, over 50 percent of all assaults responded to by the police are domestic violence related, he says.
“According to data from the NSW Bureau of Crime, Statistics and Research, there were 934 domestic violence incidents reported in Liverpool, 809 in Fairfield and 838 in Campbelltown.
“As a community, we must take responsibility and look out for our friends, family and neighbours and if you think someone is a victim of violence, don’t turn the other way, speak up.’’
Mr Hayes said that the Labor Party had recently announced a further $65 million to combat domestic violence to ensure that services such as 1800 RESPECT, Our Watch and Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS), can continue their critical work in tackling the scourge of family violence.
If you suspect someone is experiencing domestic violence, contact your local police station or encourage them to contact 1800 RESPECT, a national counselling helpline, information and support.