Students starting school this year at Oran Park High School and Gledswood Hills Public School will enjoy safer trips, with new school zones being installed.
Member for Camden Peter Sidgreaves said a new 40 km/h school zone will be installed outside Gledswood Hills Public School along sections of The Hermitage Way, Providence Drive and Paramoor Street.
A new school zone will also be installed outside Oran Park High School along Podium Drive, Schuppan Street and Shepherd Street.
The existing school zone along South Circuit will be extended by around 110 metres.
“Transport for NSW recently carried out a review of the roads ahead of the new schools opening at the end of January,” Mr Sidgreaves said.
“After the review was completed, it was determined school zones needed to be provided as these roads provide direct access points to the schools.
“In general 40 km/h school zones are provided on roads with an active direct access point from the school.”
Mr Sidgreaves, pictured, said the lower speed limit will reduce the risk and potential severity of a crash.

“School zones help protect children on their way to and from school at times and places where they are often present in high numbers,” Mr Sidgreaves said.
“New signs will be installed by Thursday, January 16 and the new school zones will come in to effect at the start of Term 1.
“Motorists are reminded to drive to the sign posted speed limit sat all times for the safety of all road users.”
Once installed, the new 40 km/h school zones will operate from 8am to 9.30am and 2.30pm to 4pm on gazetted school days.
Members of the community can sign up at the Safer Roads NSW website to receive updates about changes to permanent speed limits in their area.