The decision to allow a cemetery plan to proceed to the next – and critical – approval stage may have created doubt on whether Campbelltown Council still wanted to protect the Scenic Hills from development, says Rudi Kolkman.
The senior Labor councillor told council’s last meeting that the decision by the Joint Regional Planning Panel (JRPP) to approve the Varroville cemetery proposal to proceed to the gateway review stage may have confused local residents.
The Gateway Review stage means the NSW planning minister will review the application and decide its fate.
“Since we have councillors on the JRPP [Paul Lake and Paul Hawker], the question may be asked: where does council stand; maybe there’s confusion out there following the JRPP decision to send the plan to the next stage,” Cr Kolkman said.
He was speaking to a notice of motion, signed by himself and the other four Labor Party councillors, Anoulack Chanthivong, George Brticevic, Wal Glynn and Meg Oates.
The two part motion, which received backing when put to the vote, stated:
That Council opposes the Joint Regional Planning Panel’s decision to approve the proposed cemetery development in the Scenic Hills to proceed to the Gateway Review.
2. That Council write to the Minister for Planning and Environment outlining its strong opposition to the proposed cemetery development in the Scenic Hills and calls on the Minister to reject this proposed development.
Councillor Anoulack told council: “The Scenic Hills are a special place for us and deserve to be protected from development.”
Councillor George Brticevic urged all councillors to support the notice of motion: “The possibility is that if this cemetery goes ahead it could open up the Scenic Hills to other developments.
“Let’s unite as a council to protect our green belt that separates us from ugly Liverpool,” Cr Brticevic said.
Councillor Clinton Mead asked that his name be recorded as voting against the motion.