Disability Macarthur Family Support & Care has been a vital member of our community for more than 30 years.
It started life as Macarthur District Temporary Family Care to perform a very important job: supporting our most vulnerable children and families with crisis care and host families that could care for children for periods away from their family.
But as a successful organisation whose heart is still in the right place after more than 30 years of existence, Disability Macarthur has grown and evolved to the point where it now supports more than over 500 local families.
Its long list of vital services include respite care, social activity programs and flexible options of support for anyone with disability up top the age of 65 years.
“You can say that we offer lifelong family support and care because essentially that is what we have been doing for over 30 years,” a spokesperson said.
Disability Macarthur is a special organisation which has made a mighty contribution to the Macarthur region, and it’s why both ordinary residents and local businesses are big supporters of it.
This Saturday, October 18, the Macarthur region gets another opportunity to help raise much needed funds so Disability Macarthur can continue to do its good works in the area.
And what a fun night this fundraiser promises to be at Tabcorp Menangle, which will host the Disability Macarthur Charity Race Night from 5.30pm.
When you book a table for this function you will ensure two things happen: you and your guests will have a fantastic evening along with other Macarthur region people such as Clintons Toyota, Camden Caravans, State Wide Kerbing and others, and secondly, you will be helping raise money that will go directly to Sunflower Cottage, a respite “home away from home” for little ones aged up to 12 years.
The organisers would be happy with individuals or couples booking to attend. Cost is just $159 per ticket or $1,500 for a table of 10. This includes drinks on arrival, entertainment, all you can eat seafood buffet, harness racing action, prizes for best dressed ladies, best hats, Mac DJ’s Dancing and more.
We really meant more, because MC for the night will be the inimitable Steve Wisbey, one of the Macarthur region’s true legends.
Contact Steve 0429 122 557 for last minute bookings.
To find out more about Disability Macarthur visit their website at www.disabilitymacarthur.org.au