Campbelltown councillor Ted Rowell is worried about the fate of the dogs and cats in the area’s Animal Care Facility.
Cr Rowell told last Tuesday’s council meeting the facility in Rose Street was currently packed to the rafters with cats and dogs.
“But the last thing we need is to resort to euthanasia again to deal with this,’ he said.
“What we want is to make it easier for people to retrieve their animals.’’
Cr Rowell was successful in securing council support for the waiving of all fees for impounding, sustenance and release of animals from the facility.
Council also voted to reduce the microchipping fees from $54 to $10 for each animal.
As a result of Cr Rowell’s action residents whose pets are in the animal care facility can now organise to retrieve them at no cost.
“Hopefully reducing or waiving such fees will mean people will be able to retrieve their animals,’’ Cr Rowell told council.
“It could cost in some cases up to $500 to retrieve a n animal from the facility and that’s a lot of money at a time when so many people have lost their jobs,’’ he said.
Cr Rowell said he also wanted to commend the staff at the animal care facility for doing “a great job under difficult circumstances at present’’.
“I believe the Campbelltown facility is the best run in Sydney and maybe even in Australia.’’
Mayor George Brticevic commended Cr Rowell for his “very compassionate’’ approach to pet animals that ended up in the animal care facility.
“I was there a few days ago and you’re right about it being full,’’ he said.
“The facility is presently not taking in any more strays, just dogs considered dangerous,’’ Cr Brticevic said.
Social distancing restrictions imposed as part of the fight against the coronavirus mean the facility no longer permits physical visits by residents, with all contact being via electronic means.