There’s an item in the monthly meeting business paper of Campbelltown Council that I’ve always found rather intriguing.
Its title is Reports and Letters Requested.
The requests come from your elected representatives, the councillors, and some of them can be pretty good ideas that go on to become council policy.
What I find intriguing about it is that some requests, depending on their complexity, can be on the books, as it were, for months or even years.
This is not a bash a public servant rant, because let’s face it, these requests are over and above the normal duties of council staff.
While it isn’t a good look to see a request made more than three years ago still being processed, most are dealt with relatively quickly.
To give you an idea of the kind of thing councillors ask a report on, or request that letters are sent to lobby a government minister and so, on I’ve chosen the ones below, a Top 5 if you like, of Reports and Letters Requested.
Number 1. In December 2022, Cr Matt Stellino asked for a report on garbage bin locks (to stop what’s happening in the picture above) based on a 12 month trial, which began in May 2023. Expected completion date July 2024.
Number 2. In October 2020, then Cr Paul Lake requested a full feasibility report be presented to council outlining the financial and non-financial implications of introducing paid parking into the Campbelltown local government area. Further studies are required for paid parking to form a part of a parking strategy. Completion: October 2024
Number 3. In October 2023, Cr Warren Morrison requested that a report be presented to council investigating the opportunity for development of a Campbelltown ambassadorship program. A model is currently being explored and consultation and benchmarking being undertaken. Completion: July 2024
Number 4. In September last year, Cr Karen Hunt requested that council write to Jo Haylen, Minister for Transport, seeking a review of current bus routes and service standards in Campbelltown local government area, with particular focus on vulnerable community groups such as schools and aged care; letter sent to Minister for Transport on October 9, 2023.
Number 5. In March this year, Cr Masud Khalil, currently serving as deputy mayor, requested that council write to our region’s State and Federal MP’s seeking their endorsement and support and financial contribution of the State and Federal Governments for the establishment of pickleball courts in the Campbelltown LGA. The letters were duly sent on May 16. [I looked up pickleball so I could enlighten our readers, but it was a heroic failure as I still don’t have a clue what this activity is all about]