State Government precinct plans for Ingleburn, Macquarie Fields and Minto are ill-conceived and misleading, says Member for Macquarie Fields Anoulack Chanthivong.
“Make no mistake – this is an attack on the suburban character of our area to line the pockets of greedy developers,” says Chanthivong in slamming the plans.
“The Berejiklian Liberal Government wants to take the bulldozers to our established suburbs to make them unrecognisable with high-rise development,’’ he said.
“They want to bring in thousands of new residents without a single commitment to new infrastructure.
“Where is the funding for the new schools, road upgrades, pedestrian facilities, cycle networks and community infrastructure?
“The government has wiped it hands of responsibility when it comes to providing essential services.”
Mr Chanthivong pointed out several misleading artist’s impressions in the Precinct Plans:
1. The image showing the redevelopment of Redfern Creek and Victoria Road depicts two-storey townhouses when, in fact, six-storey apartment blocks are destined for the site.
2. An illustration at Minto, pictured above, shows blue skies and smiling faces but the artist’s impression actually turns the suburb’s only commuter car park into a mixed-use building.
3. Ingleburn’s Oxford Road, at left, looks picturesque but there is no parking in the main street.
“The Government is trying to pull the wool over our eyes with pretty illustrations and artist’s impressions but the reality is a much bleaker picture,” he said.
“Spin doctors are out of control trying to cover up what this really is – a pay day for developers.”
The final plans, part of a railway corridor development strategy between Glenfield and Macarthur, were released to the public just before Christmas on December 21.
Campbelltown City Council general manager Lindy Deitz welcomed the release of the final precinct plans.
“Macarthur has been earmarked to complement Campbelltown as a key centre with world class health facilities, integrated educational institutions, a mix of housing types, a premier retail precinct and great public and open spaces,” Ms Deitz said.
“The revised strategy will guide development in this key area now that rezoning can occur.’’
Who else would benefit but developers from this developers Government
Jacob Masina Margaret Enriquez Fahima Ahmad thoughts?
Haven’t looked at the proposal in detail but (i) Berejiklian is spending record amounts on new schools and hospitals so that line of argument is flawed and (ii) im pro smart development i.e. in balance with community needs. This most often takes the form of higher buildings around train stations. If that’s the case then i think the MP is whingeing and living in the past.
I’m with you on that one. Ingleburn definitely needs revamping and te recent industrial developments have been great for the area.