Rain, protected species status of bats slow down remedial works

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Macquarie Fields residents are almost resigned to having to put up with the noise and smell of 20,000 bats for another Christmas.

The wet weather combined with the need to take a slow approach to remedial work have meant that progress has been slow in the past four months.

Grey Headed Flying Fox, one of which is pictured, are a protected species so any works in and around a colony must be carried out carefully.

Jim Bucknall, a spokesman for Myee Road residents, says the bats are starting to return in large numbers to the Macquarie Field colony near Redfern Creek.

“So it seems what work council have done may have been a waste of rate payers money and time,’’ Mr Bucknall said.

Council briefed residents in November via email to Mr Bucknall.

“Council understands resident’s frustrations, however notes that as advised in previous correspondence all works must be undertaken in a slow and systematic approach to ensure habitat for the Grey Headed Flying Fox (GHFF) within a Commonwealth Government Nationally Important Camp is not disturbed,’’ council said in the email.

“Works will be undertaken in areas outside of the Maximum Known Extent (area which GHFF have occupied) prior to working within the colony to encourage them to move to better habitat.

“Further works were undertaken by council’s contractor at the site on Monday, October 31, with works scheduled for the coming months to complete further erosion control, tree planting and weed control outside of the Maximum Known Extent.

“We will continue to communicate with residents as key actions of the adopted Macquarie Fields (Bingara Reserve) Grey Headed Flying Fox Camp Management Plan are implemented and we look forward to working with the community further to manage the impacts of the flying foxes,’’ council said.

Mr Bucknall said residents understand the weather hasn’t helped, however council has had ample time before to do this work.

“This matter has been going on since 2018 and council has known about it since then,’’ he said.

In his most recent email to council, Mr Bucknall has also asked council if the residents’ assistance program will be made available next year.

Under the program, residents received a $1000 grant for maintenance of their properties.

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