Young people in Wollondilly who are unemployed are being urged to take part in a $65 million NSW Government employment program to help them get training, overcome employment barriers and secure lasting jobs.
The Youth Employment Program is part of the NSW government’s $100 million Smart Skilled and Hired initiative.
“This new Youth Employment Program will help eligible young people aged 15-24 get the training and support they need to overcome barriers to employment and secure jobs that will last,” says the State Member for Wollondilly Jai Rowell.
“The Youth Employment Program is being delivered to target and reduce high youth unemployment areas of need.
“This program will help young people who are not already registered with Commonwealth employment programs and who are not in work or are underemployed,” he said.
Max Solutions and Yourtown have been selected as Youth Employment Program providers in the Wollondilly Shire after going through a tender process.
These providers will be employed on an outcomes-based contracting model allowing them to design tailored support plans for local participants.
Training offered will include life skills, accommodation and transport, training, and health and wellbeing, while also considering the needs of the local labour market.
The provider contracts will also have financial incentives linked to young people staying in employment for at least six months.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“The Youth Employment Program will be supported by employers and organisations to connect young people with training and jobs,” Mr Rowell said.[/social_quote]
“Training, mentoring and work experience placements will help young people build their skills and experience to secure lasting employment.”