Young girls seeking an opportunity to represent their city and experience first-hand the atmosphere of Campbelltown’s biggest annual community festival are encouraged to enter the 2016 Miss Princess Quest.
Mayor of Campbelltown, Cr Paul Hawker, said the quest was a fantastic opportunity for young girls to be a part of the city’s most celebrated community event – the legendary Festival of Fisher’s Ghost.
“Being a quest entrant is a rewarding experience, and one that many young girls relish the chance to be a part of,” Cr Hawker said.
“Involvement in the quest is a great way to learn more about the legend of Fisher’s Ghost, and fond memories are created through participation in both the competition and the spectacle of the annual street parade,” Cr Hawker said.
The Miss Princess Quest is open to girls aged between nine and 12 years as at September 30.
All entrants must live in the Campbelltown Local Government Area.
A fee of $20 is payable for each entrant.
The winner will receive a $500 Macarthur Square gift card, a trophy and a handmade gold ring.
The runner-up prize is a $300 Macarthur Square gift card and a handmade gold ring.
A range of other prizes are also on offer, including the June Dally-Watkins Junior Development Course and a host of highly commended prizes donated by sponsors of the event.
♦ Key dates for the 2016 Miss Princess Quest:
• Entries open Monday 8 August;
• Entries close Friday 30 September;
• Judging day Sunday 15 October.
Following the official crowning ceremony that will take place in late October, Miss Princess Quest entrants will join the annual Festival of Fisher’s Ghost Street Parade on Saturday, November 5.
Entry forms will be available at the Fishers Ghost website here from Monday, August 8, or phone 4645 4515 for more information.
Great to see Marie Therese Rutledge still giving to the community. A true legend for all of us