From March next year, our local councils will hand over some of their planning powers to independent panels made up of experts and community representatives.
To be known as Independent Hearing and Assessment Panels (IHAP), they will determine various applications for development, including applications of high value, corruption risk, sensitivity or strategic importance.
Development applications valued at more than $5 million but less than $30 million that would have until now been determined by elected councillors will instead be decided by IHAP from next March.
Like the other local councils, Campbelltown City Council is establishing an IHAP and has started calling for expressions of interest from the local community to fill a local member position and an alternate member position.
Three independent experts will also be appointed to the panel.
Mayors, councillors, property developers and real estate agents are ineligible to be panel members.
Membership of the panel is for up to three years and it is expected the IHAP will meet on a monthly basis.
Applicants for a local member position will be evaluated based on demonstrated experience, understanding of local issues and service to the Campbelltown community.
The selection criteria for member positions on the IHAP include:
• be current residents within the local government area (LGA)
• have knowledge and awareness of the LGA and issues of concern to the local community
• be able to represent and communicate the interests of the local community
• have an understanding of the planning process and assessment issues (but not expected to be experts)
• commit to attending the IHAP meetings and contributing constructively to the determination of applications
• be willing to adhere to the IHAP code of conduct and operational procedures.
• Expressions of interest are open now and will close on December 22.
Visit the Campbelltown City Council website at https://www.campbelltown.nsw.gov.au/home for more details.
Sad day for democracy
Agree. It is bad enough that most decisions are over ridden by the land and environment court as it is.
I guess we can see high rise, small blocks and no infrastructure as the norm.
This means that locals will have no say in how their communities are developed.