Organ donation is a family affair

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Liverpool Hospital general manager Robynne Cooke and a volunteer at the launch of Donatelife week on Friday.

Did you know that a single organ and tissue donor could save or transform the lives of 10 or more people?

This is one of many aspects that form part of DonateLife Week.

Apart from providing information, the week emphasises the need for families to have a discussion about one of them being an organ donor.

“In Australia, families will always be asked to give their consent to donation if the situation ever arises,’’ says Professor Anders Aneman, an organ and tissue donation specialist at the South Western Sydney Local Health District (SWSLHD).

“Even if you have registered your decision to be a donor, your family will still be asked to give consent,” Prof Aneman said.

During DonateLife week (SWSLHD) is urging local families to use their time wisely and have a chat that may one day save many lives.

Professor Aneman said DonateLife Week provided an opportunity to discuss organ and tissue donation with loved ones, and to ask them about their donation decisions.

[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“Families that have discussed and know each other’s donation decisions are much more likely to support donation.[/social_quote]

“Having a chat with your family about donation can make a life saving difference to people waiting for a transplant,” he said.

Prof Aneman said there were three steps people should take during DonateLife Week:

Discover the facts about organ and tissue donation by visiting the donate life website.

Decide and register your donation decision on the Australian Organ Donor Register.

And finally, discuss your decision with your loved ones, he said.

donatelife1♦ The facts around organ donation are:

• Only around one per cent of hospital deaths occur in the specific circumstances where organ donation is possible, although many more people can become tissue donors.

• One organ and tissue donor can save or transform the lives of 10 or more people.

• Last year, 1,117 Australian lives were transformed through the generosity of 378 deceased organ donors and their families who agreed to donation.

• Nearly 4,000 tissue donors helped to improve the lives of over 5,500 tissue transplant recipients, some receiving multiple grafts.

• There are 1,600 people on the organ transplant waiting list in Australia.

DonateLife Week is a national awareness week led by the Organ and Tissue Authority to promote organ and tissue donation.

donatelife2As part of the launch of DonateLife Week  and to encourage more local residents to discuss organ and tissue donation, a barbecue was held at Liverpool Hospital on Friday where they were able to chat to the hospital’s organ and tissue donation team members.


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