One Nation candidate pushing for children’s hospital in Macarthur

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The One Nation candidate for the federal election wants to see a second major hospital built in the booming Macarthur region.

Alex Zahra, a local small business owner, also wants funding for a children’s hospital to serve the needs of the greater Macarthur area.

“If elected, I will push for local infrastructure and a second hospital within the greater Macarthur area and funding to have a dedicated children’s hospital,’’ says the father of three daughters.

“Residents across Macarthur would benefit from convenient local specialised children’s care instead of the long commute to Westmead or Randwick.”

Mr Zahra is the endorsed Pauline Hanson One Nation candidate for the 2022 federal election.

The election must be held by May 21, and it is expected the Prime Minister will announce the date in the next few days.

Macarthur has been held by Labor’s Dr Mike Freelander since 2016.

Dr Freelander is seeking a third term at this election.

The Liberal Party is yet to reveal its candidate for the seat, which historically swings between them and Labor.

Mr Zahra in the meantime says he is keen to ensure the Federal Government invests in long term nation building investments.

“Politicians have lacked long term vision for many years, relying on short sharp sugar fixes for re-election and it’s just not good enough,’’ he says.

“Infrastructure built by Australians, for Australians, owned by Australians, is what we are calling for.

“I’m standing with Pauline Hanson’s One Nation for the seat of Macarthur because I support a long-term vision for our country and nation building projects such as dams, hospitals, major roads and a national fast rail service.

“For too long the major parties have taken us for granted.

“This election Australians have a real opportunity to take the reins back from the government and elect new members that put the people of the nation first and foremost.

“One Nation is the only party that’s pushing for smaller, smarter, cost-effective government, with less red and green tape and the ability for people to have a say in the decisions that affect their lives rather than having politicians dictate to us how to live our lives.

“I may not have all the answers to our problems, but I am willing to listen, learn and act in the best interests of the people,’’ Mr Zahra said.

3 thoughts on “One Nation candidate pushing for children’s hospital in Macarthur”

  1. Thank you for standing Adam. A fresh vision for Macarthur. A stale local member is no longer what Macarthur needs. We are a growing area and we need to keep pace with those changes, Macarthur has so much to offer and a representative who lives in the area, who knows the area, who listens, and has a vision for the area is exactly what we need. I wish you luck in the upcoming election.

  2. Hi Shane, thank you for your kind words.

    Yes the tired old parties have neglected Macarthur, our current incumbent has made little impact on the health infrastructure in Macarthur.

    Time for fresh faces new ideas and a renewed vigor for Macarthur.

    I’m Young enough to fight but old enough to know what to fight for.

  3. Adam,
    what great news that you’re standing for Macarthur. The stale and slow sleepy Labor representative that we endure has got to go
    we need bright, fresh and energetic people like yourself to step up to the plate and lead the charge for change
    the only thing that we get from the Labour / Liberal duopoly is declining living standards.
    We have to break this insane tennis match of going backwards and forwards with the two main parties
    the citizens of Macarthur want you and need you, we know you’re not going to let us down, and do your best always
    you’re the man of the moment and more power to you
    Good Luck


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