Veteran Campbelltown councillor Meg Oates is pushing for the construction of a Georges River bush cycle track, from Glenfield to Wedderburn.
At tomorrow night’s council meeting Cr Oates will formally request the preparation of a report into the idea of a bush cycle track.
She wants the report to look at possible routes and various access points.
Cr Oates also wants to look into the construction cost of such a project as well as the cost of ongoing maintenance.
• In a separate notice of motion to also be tabled at tomorrow night’s meeting, newly elected councillor Margaret Chivers is calling on council to consider introducing a trial program for autistic children.
Her motion calls on council to investigate the feasibility of providing a program that could be trialled through the library services.
• Liberal councillor George Greiss will be pushing for council to establish a Design Excellence Panel (DEP) to encourage high quality urban design within the Campbelltown Local Government Area (LGA).
His motion says that such a “panel will provide an independent and transparent specialist peer review of major urban development and high density dwellings within the LGA.’’
• Also on the agenda for tomorrow night’s meeting, the second since council elections in September, is a development application for yet another boarding house.
This one is for a 10 bedroom boarding house within two detached buildings at Saywell Road, Macquarie Fields.
Council officers are recommending that the development be approved, but there will be opposition to it, with some councillors against all boarding house applications.
• Another item which is set to ruffle some feathers tomorrow night is an application for the construction of a 40m high telecommunications tower on a property at Minerva Road, Wedderburn.
• And councillors will also be asked to support plans to rename Gilchrist Drive Bridge the James Rookes Bridge.
The bridge passes over the railway line and Menangle Road.
The plan is to name it after a young man, James Rookes, who tragically lost his life at the bridge in March 2001.
Under the law, council first has to advertise such plans.
Following the exhibition period a report will be tabled that details the result of such consultation of the public.
Only after all that has been done can council go ahead with the proposed renaming.

No no no leave it alone. It will encourage trail bikes to ride on them .
First I heard of this idea I thought it was an interesting idea, but I don’t believe it’s possible to push a cycle track all that way. I’m guessing you’d want to follow the ridge line, but a lot of the bush is extremely fragile, pristine and dangerous. And such a track could bring undesirables into close proximity with back fences of properties at certain points. Some environmentally friendly walking tracks could possibly be created to join some popular river spots, but to create a track the whole way from Glenfield to Wedderburn is probably not possible or even ideal.
Please send your emails of disapproval to Deputy Mayor – Cr Meg Oates
E: meg.oates@campbelltown.nsw.gov.au
There is a track that I remember went from Ingleburn weir Past Simmos. It was overgrown in sections but a beautiful serene walk, at times a bit tricky. No trail bike could get along it which was good.