Birling, the newest housing development in Macarthur is just seven kilometres from the international airport being built at Badgerys Creek.
However, the 2,100 lot Cameron Brae site off the Northern Road is not under the flight path.
The first homes are expected to have families living in them in around two years.
And as the minister for planning and public spaces Paul Scully (pictured above) said at this morning’s sod turning ceremony, these families will enjoy a lot of amenities from the get-go, from retail facilities to roads and a metro station just five kilometres away.
“This is as it should be these days when we build new homes in greenfield sites such as this one,’’ he said.
“These families will also be close to regional centres such as Liverpool as well as the 200,000 jobs that will be created around the new airport,’’ he said.
Cameron Brae is a company founded by local businessman the late David Hazlett.
His four children and most of 12 grandchildren attended this morning’s ceremony to mark the start of work on the latest big housing development in the South West Growth Area.
The contract for the first stage of bulk earthworks and subdivision construction has been awarded to TRN Group and works have now commenced on site.

Lots ranging from medium density to 1,000sqm will be included in the master plan, providing housing choice at varying price points, something else noted by the planning minister during his short speech.
Located within the Camden local government area, west of The Northern Road, the 138 hectare site will also include:
• Birling Village, at the entrance to the development, which will have up to 20,000sqm of retail and commercial space in future business development and neighbourhood centre zones;
• 14.5 hectares of public recreational open space including parks and sporting fields;
• 23.5 hectares of environmental conservation including rehabilitated creeks and draining facilities, as well as the enhancement of protected existing native vegetation and 2.5 kilometres of shared pedestrian and cycle paths;
• An adaptive reuse of Birling’s classic 1937 homestead, along with the conservation of the remnants of its 1812 homestead.
“Cameron Brae is proud to be delivering new homes in South West Sydney where we have strong community roots and have been serving the area for decades,’’ said chief executive Angus Dawson this morning.
“This landmark project will realise a dream of out late founder, David Hazlett, and provide a great place for the people of the area to live, relax and grow.
“In building these 2,100 land lots, Cameron Brae is playing an important role in helping all levels of government deliver on their housing strategies. We are committed to providing more flexible housing options at a greater pace and recognise the importance of greenfield sites in unlocking additional supply.”