In another heavy sign pointing to the massive population growth taking place in South Western Sydney, an 18-ton cement roof has been installed at Sydney Water’s new $37 million wastewater pumping station.
That’s the equivalent of 18 small cars.
The facility, which is located at Liverpool, will provide essential water and wastewater services to an additional 21,000 dwellings in the rapidly expanding central business district.
Paul Plowman, the Sydney Water general manager of asset lifecycle, says the roof is a significant milestone which will eventually help service current and future growth.
“The rezoning of the Liverpool CBD has stimulated significant investment in the area, making it an attractive and affordable place to live and work,” Mr Plowman said.
“Liverpool will no doubt continue to grow as a major CBD, so it is important that we can provide essential water and wastewater services to cater to Sydney’s expanding southwest over the next 30 years,” Mr Plowman said.
The existing infrastructure could not support this scale of growth forecast, therefore driving the need for Sydney Water to deliver an additional wastewater pump station, as well as wastewater and drinking water pipelines in Liverpool’s CBD.
This project has also created jobs for more than 400 workers who predominately deliver infrastructure on site.
The Liverpool wastewater pumping station is due to be complete in November 2023.
Pictured above are Paul Plowman and Darren Jackson, Sydney Water area delivery manager west.