The Greater Sydney Commission has already outlined its vision for a new city based around Badgerys Creek airport.
Now the commission is in the process of exploring the nitty-gritty of such a new city, one surrounded, as its chairperson Lucy Turnbull has said, by the pearls of Camden, Campbelltown and Liverpool.
Where will new housing go? Jobs? Transport routes and open spaces for recreation?
To help it in its quest, the commission is coming to the source and holding forums to hear the views of the local residents who will be most affected by such dramatic changes over the next 15 years.
The first forum will be held in Liverpool Catholic Club on Wednesday, November 30, between 6pm and 9pm.
“The Greater Sydney Commission, in consultation with council and the community, is working to determine the best locations for new housing, with better access to transport, jobs and open spaces that will help make our lives happier and healthier,” says Liverpool mayor Wendy Waller.
“I am extremely optimistic about Liverpool’s future and the direction we are headed.
“I know others in the community share the same enthusiastic outlook when I speak to them about their own views.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“I therefore encourage everyone to do their part and have a say on the future of this great city by attending this forum.”[/social_quote]
The commission’s draft plans will guide better planning strategies between the State Government and six Sydney districts all with similar features and shared objectives.
Liverpool is part of the South West District, which incorporates Fairfield, Campbelltown, Camden and Wollondilly.
Each plan will explain recent patterns or changes in Sydney and the relevant district, and what this means for the future.
Changes might include an existing investment in new infrastructure, consistent patterns of new residential or commercial construction or a shift in the way land is being used.
The commission will recommend the areas that need to change significantly, the areas unlikely to change and the areas to be protected or enhanced.
The commission will release these plans as drafts for discussion and feedback, and they will be on an extended public exhibition until the end of March 2017.
If you have any questions about the forums, phone the commission on 1800 617 681 or email engagement@gsc.nsw.gov.au
You can also join the conversation by visiting the GSC website here, or on social media pages by simply searching for Greater Sydney Commission.