Local residents who drive around Macarthur know that traffic congestion on Narellan Road is not the only problem there is around here.
The problem’s actually much bigger than that and both the federal and state government are being short sighted in their road strategy for a growing region like Macarthur, says MP Greg Warren.
After touring Macarthur traffic hot spots with the Labor Senator for NSW, Ms Deborah O’Neill, they declared that both governments and their local representatives were ignoring the real concerns of local motorists.
“There is a lack of vision to plan and deliver integrated infrastructure projects for the growing Macarthur region,’’ they said after their tour.
Mr Warren and Senator O’Neill toured the key areas of Badgally Road/Broughton Street and the proposed Menangle/Spring Farm Link Road.
“The Liberals’ obsession with Narellan Road seems to have blinded them to the needs of the rest of the communities and businesses of Campbelltown,’’ they said.
The Labor MPs called for an urgent review of the Raby Road junction with the Hume Motorway near Eagle Vale Drive, which will experience a huge increase in traffic as a result of new developments to the north.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“The Liberals’ one eyed focus on Narellan Road as a fix all solution to congestion has failed to address the broader road network issues and has gone on far too long,” Mr Warren said.[/social_quote]
“There needs to be a step change with a re-focus on the northern and southern developing growth areas of the region to reduce existing congestion and to ensure the mistakes of the past are not repeated.
“The best things are achieved by working together, and that’s why I am calling for a holistic and consultative approach with strong focus from the Federal Government to ensure we get the vital infrastructure projects we need as a growing region,” the local MP said.
Senator O’Neill said the state and federal Liberal governments need to “start taking infrastructure in the Macarthur region seriously, and focusing on more than just Narellan Road.
“Investing in the right infrastructure projects will mean less time stuck in traffic and more quality family time at home for local mums and dads.”
Mr Warren also drew attention to the growing gap between service delivery standards in health and education in the face of an expanding population.
Senator O’Neill agreed, saying: “Local families are right to expect that local services must improve with growth, however we are seeing the opposite with the closure of Campbelltown motor registry and the sell-off of Hurlstone Agricultural High School by the Baird government.”
As with all local representatives in recent years, I have yet to hear Greg Warren campaign for a bridge to replace the dangerous and submersible causeway at Glenfield. They all nod their heads when you mention this essential infrastructure requirement to them – then they go away and do nothing about it.
Instead, Greg seems to have joined the perplexing push for an unnecessary bridge over the railway between Badgally Road and Broughton Street, which will resolve nothing, apart from funneling more heavy traffic right through the very heart of the Campbelltown CBD. No thank you!
This article is ‘Huff and Puff’ politics from Greg Warren, with very little substance. It is true that we have traffic hot-spots around Campbelltown at peak times – but it doesn’t promote any confidence that he has a better insight than anyone else does.
One of the primary strategies for resolving congestion on local roads must be to facilitate the departure of traffic onto the freeway as efficiently as possible.
Yes, we need to build the Spring Farm link as soon as possible but when it is built it must include a major interchange with the M31.