MWLP has been co-ordinating work placement for Macarthur HSC students for 20 years.
But the Department of Education recently rezoned NSW regions and as a result MWLP will now be the Work Placement Service Provider across the Inner South West and Macarthur.
It means that as a result of the new boundaries MWLP will service 70 schools including government and non-government, from Picton through to Concord and will be busy placing over 6,800 students in 2016.
Higher School Certificate students who are studying vocational courses such as construction, hospitality, tourism, business services and more are required to complete one week’s work placement in Year 11 and one in Year 12.
This is a mandatory requirement for students to get their HSC and the nationally recognised qualification.
MWLP works closely with schools, business and industry to link them through work placement so students gain valuable work place experiences and employers engage with potential employees.
MWLP Work Placement Manager, Trudi Haycock, is thrilled to be able to assist more young people to learn these vital workplace skills to ensure a more successful transition from school to work.
“MWLP has a very good reputation in Macarthur and our goal is to replicate this in the Inner South West,’’ says Ms Haycock.
“We are currently liaising with our new key stakeholders and look forward to creating long standing, professional relationships offering solid customer service”.
For businesses that might be interested in becoming a part of this rewarding program please call Trudi or the Work Placement Team on 4625 1863 or email Trudi at trudi.haycock@mwlp.com.au or visit the website.