More clearways on the Hume Highway to get traffic moving

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Clearways move: The Hume Highway at Casula.

The next clearway extension in the NSW Government’s strategy to reduce congestion on some Sydney’s major road corridors will start from this Monday, December 14, on the Hume Highway between Liverpool and Casula.

Melanie Gibbons, the State Member for Holsworthy, said the extension to clearway hours on the Hume Highway builds on the NSW Government’s $121 million clearways program, which aims to free up road space, improve traffic flow on some of Sydney’s busiest roads and get people moving.

“With congestion currently costing Sydney around $5.1 billion each year, the NSW Government is committed to maximising the use of existing road space to improve reliability and deliver travel time savings for motorists,” Ms Gibbons said.

“The weekday clearway hours on the Hume Highway between Orange Grove Road at Liverpool and Campbelltown Road at Casula will be extended to operate in both directions during peak traffic periods.

“Currently, clearway hours are in operation northbound from 6am to 10am and southbound from 3pm to 7am on weekdays.

[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“From Monday (December 14) clearway hours will be extended to operate in both directions from 6am to 10am and 3pm to 7pm on weekdays and provide more reliable and efficient travel with improved traffic flow on the road.[/social_quote]

“The existing No Stopping and No Parking restrictions on this road will continue to operate outside these clearway times.’’

Work on the new signs, which are being installed at night between 7pm and 5am, started yesterday and is scheduled to be completed in time for Monday morning’s peak hour traffic.

“Motorists are reminded vehicles left on a clearway risk being towed and fined,” Ms Gibbons said.

To report a vehicle parked in a clearway call the Transport Management Centre on 131 700.

The community is invited to nominate new clearways by visiting the NSW government’s clearways website.



1 thought on “More clearways on the Hume Highway to get traffic moving”

  1. I have news for the RMS – anyone thinking about parking along that clearway area would have rocks in their heads as they would go back and find their vehicle severely damaged. RMS are trying to give the impression they are improving traffic for the Moorebank Intermodal but the net result would be zero as most residents are aware of the constant gridlock on a 24/7 basis and these cosmetic changes are a complete waste of time and will never substitute for the complete lack of building proper infrastructure..There was talk about building the Georges River Parkway highway to divert traffic around Liverpool but that never eventuated.
    John Anderson
    residents against Intermodal development Moorebank


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