In January, the Liberal state member for Holsworthy Melanie Gibbons joined Premier Gladys Berejiklian to announce 700 new commuter car spaces for Edmondson Park station.
Two local Labor MPs have pointed out that in the NSW Budget handed down on Tuesday just $212,000 was allocated for the planning of the new car park in 2019-20.
Federal Member for Werriwa Anne Stanley and State Member for Macquarie Fields Anoulack Chanthivong have slammed the NSW Liberal Government for failing to deliver on its promise to start construction this year.
They say that this means desperate commuters could be waiting up to four years to see the extra car spaces promised.
“Local commuters have suffered for years because of inaction by this Liberal Government,’’ says Mr Chanthivong.
“Now, the Liberal Government has failed to keep its promise as well. The budget has delivered next to nothing for the promised and desperately needed car park at Edmondson Park station.
“The reality is that under this Liberal Government the commuter car parking crisis at Edmondson Park will continue unabated for the next four years.
“This is completely unacceptable and I will be demanding answers from the minister and the premier.’’

With a massive car parking deficit at Edmondson Park that gets worse as more residents move into the growing suburb, local commuters are angry and frustrated because they have nowhere to park.
In complete desperation, some commuters have resorted to parking illegally and paying a fine in order to travel to work.
“Yet again, the Liberal Government has failed to prioritise the infrastructure that is needed in our growing suburbs,’’ says Ms Stanley.
“The NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian promised 1,100 car spaces at Edmondson Park by 2020. Now, we find out there is no money for construction meaning that the parking crisis is set to continue for years to come.
“You simply can’t trust the Liberals to deliver for the people of south west Sydney.”
Mr Chanthivong said residents of the Macquarie Fields electorate have every right to feel let down by this budget.
“And they will know who to blame every time they fight for a commuter carpark in the morning, or come home to yet another parking ticket, or struggle with the steps at Macquarie Fields Station, or get a letter saying they can’t enrol their child at the school just over the road in Edmondson Park,’’ he said.