Melanie Gibbons, the Liberal MP for Holsworthy, has told state parliament she shares the concerns of the community about plans to realign Moorebank Avenue around its intermodal site.
“On Monday I was notified that Qube Holdings had submitted an environmental impact statement [EIS] for a project to realign Moorebank Avenue around its intermodal site,’’ Ms Gibbons said.
“This would provide its workers only with access, forcing other road users to make four new turns to navigate around the site.
“There are also serious concerns over what the project would mean for the residents of Wattle Grove. If it is approved, they would have a major freight terminal and a busy roadway just 400 metres from the back of their properties.
“This is not good enough. More thought, compassion and consultation needs to go into working with residents to find a solution for them and the intermodal project.’’
Ms Gibbons said she had suggested that the road be built on the western side of the Moorebank intermodal site.

“This would have allowed them to be a good neighbour and hand back the land along the river for public use such as a park or nature reserve to connect over the river with the Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre and Casula Parklands,’’ the MP told parliament.
“These measures would have brought benefits to the community from the construction of the intermodal by handing back the Georges River foreshore to the community.’’
Ms Gibbons says noise from the intermodal is one of the biggest issues for Wattle Grove residents.
She called on Qube Holdings to erect sound barriers along the eastern edge of the new roadway to mitigate any noise pollution and double glazing for every impacted residence.
“The community is angry with the way that modification after modification has been proposed, with construction often taking place over the Christmas and New Year period. It is beginning to feel like a battle of attrition,’’ Ms Gibbons said.
“Qube Holdings should take on these options voluntarily to show that at least it is trying to listen to the views of the residents.’’
Ms Gibbons also called for weight restrictions for roads such as Anzac Road and Nuwarra Road.
“I urge all Holsworthy electorate residents to ensure that their voices are heard during the application process by submitting their objections to the proposal by April 13.
“This fight is not over. I will stand by my community to the end.’’