The NSW Government will introduce new laws from December 1 prohibiting drivers who hold a Provisional P2 licence from using their mobile phones while driving.
The new law is among a raft of amendments from the Baird Government aimed at curbing the rise of road fatalities.
As at July 23 this year, 43 P-plate drivers had died in car crashes; an increase from the 12 drivers who died at the same stage last year.
The amendments to be introduced by the government include:
Mobile Phones:
Current law – P2 license holders can only use mobile phones for calls and audio only. The phone must be securely mounted, or you must use an automated audio device. Touching a phone (for text or video functions) is against the law.
New law – P2 licence holders must not use any function of a mobile phone while driving or riding, or when stationary but not parked. P2 licence holders will have the same restrictions as Learner and P1 licence holders.
Hazard Perception Test:
Current law – P1 drivers progressing to a P2 licence must pass the Hazard Perception Test. Learner drivers are not required to take the test.
New law – learner drivers will have to pass the Hazard Perception Test to progress to a P1 licence. P1 license holders will still be required to take the test.
Driver Qualification Test:
Current law – The Driver Qualification Test is currently a requirement for P2 drivers to progress to an unrestricted licence.
New law – The Driver Qualification Test will be scrapped. Instead, P2 drivers will need to show they have a good driving record. As part of this change, a six-month extension to the P2 term will apply each time a P2 driver is suspended for unsafe driving. These changes will be implemented on November 1 next year.
Losing your licence can be a difficult time for all involved. For some, it can mean losing a job, while for others it can mean not being able to take the kids to school.
If you’ve lost your licence, please don’t hesitate to contact Sharon Ramsden from Marsdens Law Group on 4626 5077 or sramsden@marsdens.net.au for a free 15 minute consultation.