In just one election campaign day the Macarthur region was promised $5.7 million to fight the scourge of the drug ice, almost $100,000 for the never ending battle against graffiti and $250,000 for extensions to the Police Citizens Youth Centre at Minto.
Russell Matheson, the current Federal Member for Macarthur who is seeking reelection this Saturday, July 2, recently welcomed Justice minister Michael Keenan to Campbelltown.
Minister Keenan went on to announce funding for three issues.
At the Bradbury Oval pedestrian underpass the minister outlined how three graffiti hotspots would share $95,000 for removal of the “art’’.
“It’s great to be here to announce we are investing $95,000 for graffiti removal in three places in Campbelltown, plus money for council to upgrade their graffiti removal vehicle,’’ Mr Keenan said.
“Graffiti is an antisocial behaviour, it leads to destruction of property, and also makes feel residents unsafe, and people should feel safe and secure in their own community.
“We have to keep doing it, and research tells us we should be taking graffiti off as soon as we can as it removes the ambition of the graffiti artist.’’
Mr Matheson said the initiative was “about creating a positive image about Campbelltown as well’’.
“Council spends a lot of money on graffiti removal and this is about future proofing sites like this one,’’ he said.
Campbelltown Mayor Hawker said: “Russell’s been a great supporter, and being a former mayor he knows what’s required in our community.

“We have a great deal of graffiti in this spot here, and council spends hundreds of thousands of dollars removing it across the city and anything that can alleviate this is great.’’
Earlier in the day Mr Keenan announced that South West Sydney will receive a $5.76 million boost from the Coalition for local drug and alcohol rehabilitation services as part of their $300 million plan to combat the scourge of ice.
Mr Keenan announced details in the offices of South Western Sydney Primary Health Network Ltd, which will be responsible for commissioning services in a number of electorates, including Werriwa and Macarthur.
This money will provide much needed boost to support people in South Western Sydney who are grappling with ice addiction and substance misuse.
The final stop for the Keenan and Matheson caravan was the Police Citizens Youth Centre (PCYC) at Minto.
The $250,000 promised will go towards extending the PCYC Fitness Studio.
This will enable the PCYC to move their gym and fitness boxing studio into the main building to help alleviate safety and security concerns.
“The project will allow for more participants in each boxing and fitness program that is run at PCYC Campbelltown due to the larger space. It will also allow for the current gym space to be used for new programs aimed to assist young people,” Mr Matheson said.