The three vital steps for protection against Covid-19 are physical distancing, staying home when sick and washing your hands.
Now there’s a fourth, say local health experts: wearing a mask in certain places.
It’s true that wearing a mask is not mandatory in the Sydney metropolitan area or regional NSW, but the experts suggest it’s important to have a mask on you when you go out.
Liverpool Hospital respiratory staff specialist Dr Jonathan Williamson says people should wear a mask if they could not maintain physical distancing of 1.5 metres from others, particularly in high risk areas such as public transport, shopping centres and supermarkets, and if they were caring for vulnerable and elderly people.
“If you are in a situation where there is no opportunity for physical distancing, then we strongly recommend the use of face masks,’’ says Dr Williamson.

“The main value of wearing a mask is to protect other people. Masks prevent sick people from infecting others but please remember, you shouldn’t be going out if you are unwell.’’
Dr Williamson said it was also important to wear masks correctly to ensure their effectiveness.
“Wash or sanitise your hands before putting on the mask or taking it off and do not touch the mask material while wearing or removing it,’’ Dr Williamson said.
“Make sure the mask covers your nose and mouth and fits snugly under your chin, over the bridge of your nose and against the sides of your face and don’t allow it to hang around your face or under your nose.’’
Dr Williamson said people should not reuse single-use masks and should dispose of them safely. Reusable masks should be washed regularly and dried after use and stored in a clean, dry place.

Properly constructed cloth masks should be made from at least three layers of breathable fabric to ensure adequate protection.
Remember that all visitors to public hospitals in south western Sydney must wear a face mask.
A mask will be provided during wellness screening at the hospital entrance if visitors do not have a mask.
Children under 12 years of age do not need to wear a mask and toddlers under two years of age and babies must not wear masks, which are a choking and suffocation risk.
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