Most of us underestimate the importance of magnesium, says author and psychologist MARGARET LAMBERT.
Magnesium deficiency is common among the general population, largely due to our food source.
Where previously magnesium was available in soils and therefore absorbed through foods, the current situation is that our soils are deficient in magnesium due to the application of large amounts of fertilizers over long periods of time.
In addition, much of our food is processed, resulting in magnesium being removed.
Consequently nowadays, magnesium is generally not an element that is contained in our food in substantial quantities.
An adequate supply of magnesium in the blood is essential for the body’s functioning.
Magnesium is a vital mineral for our metabolic processes and pathways.
There are many symptoms and conditions, including chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, that have been linked to magnesium deficiency.
At the extreme end, low magnesium levels in the body can have disastrous effects such as heart attack.
Several studies have shown the benefits of magnesium supplements to cellular functioning and to some chronic physical conditions.
Among the many other conditions that are , atherosclerosis, cardiac diseases, depression, diabetes, eclampsia, hypertension, kidney disease, muscular problems, osteoporosis, osteopathy, and vascular disease.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]There are many substances, such as excessive alcohol consumption and some prescription medication, and there are also some conditions, one of which includes chronic pain, that diminish the body’s magnesium supply.[/social_quote]
Magnesium supplements are therefore high on my list of recommendations for people with chronic conditions.
There are a number of ways in which magnesium levels can be boosted in the body: through oral supplements, by injection or by transdermal (via the skin) application.
A convenient and effective way to supplement magnesium levels in the body is transdermally. Magnesium oils are available for purchase and can be applied directly to the skin or added to bath water.
Spraying the oil under the arms or rubbing it on the legs and parts of the body that are in pain can reduce pain levels and leave you feeling more energized.
Best results are achieved when you use magnesium oil on a daily basis.
There are a number of suppliers of magnesium oil that can be found through an internet search if you do not have a local supplier.
*Please note that any information given in this health and wellbeing column is not intended to replace your medical practitioner’s advice.
Until next time…
Margaret Lambert