Safety and security for commuters have been increased at Macarthur railway station.
The improvement measures are part of the government’s Transport Access Program, says the state member for Campbelltown, Liberal MP Bryan Doyle.
“These important improvements include new CCTV, fixing damaged lights or installing new ones or additional lighting to give customers greater visibility, installing additional fencing and rolling out help points for customers to use,” Mr Doyle said.
“I’m very pleased we have already seen these safety upgrades completed at Campbelltown and Leumeah stations, and this will provide a boost to customers using public transport in our region.
“Customers travelling around the network should feel safer than ever before, thanks to the introduction of the Police Transport Command (PTC) on public transport and these ongoing safety upgrades,’’ he said.
Since May 2012, PTC officers have made more than 6700 arrests, resulting in more than 12,500 charges and issued more than 120,000 infringements.
“The Police Transport Command officers are doing a fantastic job to ensure the safety of customers on trains and on platforms night and day,’’ Mr Doyle said.

The new investment is in addition to the $40 million Park and Travel safety fund already invested in almost 50 safety upgrades, with 36 projects completed and another 12 underway.
Transport for NSW has worked with the NSW Police and Sydney Trains to identify where safety improvements are required.