Having returned from overseas recently I have been slowly getting in touch with all my local friends.
I called one today and apologised for taking so long to get in touch and he replied: that’s not a problem, you know I’m a low maintenance friend.
Which got me thinking about all the different types of friends we have, and what an incredible variety there is out there.
Meaning that there is no cookie cutter model for choosing one’s friends, so you’ve got to love them all unconditionally, no matter what their faults may be; if they have any, that is.
And, you’d hope, they would do the same for you in return, since you know you have plenty of faults.
This week’s Top 5 looks at the most common type of friends we’re likely to have over a lifetime:
Number 1: Hopefully most of our friends will be the low maintenance type, because while we love them life is short.
Number 2. For better or worse we all have high maintenance friends, who make up for it by having a good heart. The kind that will always offer to help someone in need.
Number 3. Then there’s the needy friend who ignores the possibility you may have other friends and wants you to themselves. Treat gently: they mean well.
Number 4. Family friends are everywhere so the key to this friendship is getting the balance right. Breaking up is hard to do with this type of friendship.
Number 5. The friends that want to do everything in groups, from camping to going on a cruise; there’s a lot of that type, so you learn some new diplomacy skills in trying to dodge their invitations. Unless of course you’re the group fun type as well!