New boat ramp and pontoon facilities on the Georges River are one more step in Liverpool’s growing stature, says mayor Ned Mannoun.
Speaking after he, State Member for Menai, Melanie Gibbons and Andy Robertson, Manager Operations Botany Bay/Port Hacking, Roads and Maritime Services (RMS), inspected the newly opened boat ramp and pontoon facilities at Davy Robinson Reserve, Moorebank, Cr Mannoun said:
“The new boat ramp and pontoon here on the Georges River are a great addition to our city and mean that families have a fantastic new facility to use and enjoy in time for summer.
“We know that major cities around the world are using their riverside lands for residential and recreational purposes, and Liverpool is no exception,” Cr Mannoun said.
“Council thanks the State Government and particularly Ms Melanie Gibbons MP for their support in assisting with funding for these works.”
The new facilities, which provide improved access to the Georges River, were funded by a $389,452 grant through the RMS’s Better Boating Program, with Liverpool Council contributing the balance for the $750,000 project.
Ms Gibbons said: “Our river is so important and this will help locals access and enjoy it. I’m pleased that the State Government and Council were able to work together to provide this upgrade.
“More than $5.4 million in Better Boating Program grants were awarded last financial year by Roads and Maritime to local councils and boating groups across NSW. Revenue is raised from registration and license fees to fund the grants program for improvements to public wharves and jetties, boat ramps, car and trailer parking, sewage pump out facilities and dinghy store.”
The completed boat ramp and pontoon is the first stage of the scheduled works to be undertaken at Davy Robinson Reserve. Funding applications for stages two and three, which involve upgrading the seawall and the car park, are with the RMS.