Campbelltown and Camden Hospital Emergency Departments provide an essential service to all those who find themselves unwell or injured.
They do this every minute, every day.
Our two area hospitals currently care for more than 200 people every day.
That is 78,000 people every year.
As more and more people move to the area this demand is only going one way, up.
The people in need of help are sometimes your friends or their families, sometimes your neighbours or colleagues.
Someday it will be yourself or a family member, which means we all have a stake in supporting our hospitals.
The rapid changing face of healthcare means there continues to be new and better tools that can assist our doctors and nurses in delivering the highest standard of care.
One man’s life was saved by the Lucas CPR machine donated to Liverpool Hospital by hospital volunteers. He was called the miracle man by staff. He was a 40 year old man with no previous history of heart problems.
Alison Derrett, the general manager of Camden and Campbelltown Hospitals says that the Lucas CPR Device and other medical equipment required for the Emergency Department can only be obtained by donations.
Some hospitals in NSW do have the Lucas CPS machines and they do save lives.
The majority of these machines have been donated by local volunteer groups.
In the Macarthur area we do not need to wait for many years to have the best machines at our local hospitals.
Our community groups can donate them and the local Lions clubs have already started, says Danny Richardson, president of Lions Club of Narellan
As a result the first Lucas machine was donated to Campbelltown Hospital in December 2016.
Staff are now trained and the unit is in use.
The second Lucas machine has been ordered and will soon be delivered to Camden Hospital.
“Five Macarthur Lions clubs have agreed to combine our efforts and raise $150,000,’’ says Danny.
“The initial project aims to buy two Lucas2 CPR Systems, two Lifepack15 Systems and two Portable Ultrasound Units by the end of 2017.
Can you picture what our community would be like if we didn’t have clubs like the Lions around?
But the Lions, who celebrate 100 years of good deeds in 2017, need your help, so if you ever get the chance to help them, dig deep, won’t you?