Some would say it is preposterous that a place as big as Campbelltown does not have a single men’s shed.
Bus as absurd or even ridiculous this may seem, it’s a fact that in May 2023 there’s no active men’s shed in a place where the population is getting close to 200,000 people.
Last year there were two, Airds-Bradbury and Campbelltown.
The latter is a breakaway group made up of men who left Airds-Bradbury because they did not like the direction it was going in.
They started up a new, fully constituted Campbelltown men’s shed, and found premises in Claymore late last year.
However, their tenure was short lived because the sub-lease the men’s shed were offered expired in late January.
Red tape, for want of a better description, has meant that more than three months later they are still homeless.
In the meantime, Airds-Bradbury men’s shed stopped operating permanently, meaning not a single men’s shed was available in the entire Campbelltown area.
The nearest one is in Appin.
But just as their hopes of finding premises were fading fast, Campbelltown men’s shed has been thrown a lifeline by local MP Greg Warren.
A big supporter of men’s sheds since being elected in 2015, Mr Warren believes Campbelltown Council land in Ruse may hold the answer.
He says that there is funding available to build a brand new shed on James Ruse Park, which is a large, passive recreation reserve without any playground equipment at all.
A community building is being used by Campbelltown Meals on Wheels as their headquarters, while tennis court are nearby, with the rest of the land in an unimproved state.
Mr Warren, pictured above with some of the men at James Ruse Park, says that if Campbelltown Council would come to the party by agreeing to his suggestion for a men’s shed it would solve the problem.
“It is very sad we don’t have a functioning men’s shed in Campbelltown,’’ says Mr Warren.
“Men’s sheds are very important, not just as a place to go and do some work or gardening.
“They also play a vital role helping both men and women transitioning into retirement, and we know the benefits they bring in terms of mental health,’’ he said.
“I can get the funding to build a shed, but Campbelltown Council needs to come on board.’’

Both the council general manager, Lindy Deitz, and the mayor, George Greiss, told the South West Voice they were generally supportive of any move to establish a men’s shed in Campbelltown.
“After speaking with Mr Warren I have instructed council stuff to look into the zoning of the park,’’ Ms Deitz said.
Mayor Greiss said was also willing to work together with Mr Warren to try to get a men’s shed up and running in Campbelltown.
“I agree that a men’s shed is very important and we should do whatever we can to make one available,’’ he said.
Both said they were looking forward to talking with Mr Warren to progress the plan for a men’s shed.
As for the current Campbelltown’s men shed committee, they are still holding meetings, but would much rather have a place to call home and have something to do.
Richard Parisi, who is also a Ruse resident, says he knows James Ruse Park well and it would be perfect for a men’s shed for everyone from Campbelltown.
“We have so many men calling us wanting to join up, but right now we can’t do anything about it,’’ he said.
“The sooner we get a men’s shed the better as far as we are concerned.’’
Sad to read that the shed at Bradbury closed, but I thought there was one at
Glenroy Cottage” 1/A Glenroy Drive Claymore.
Has that been lost too.
Yes, both sheds have now closed
I would suggest that Local Service Clubs contribute towards funding a local Men’s shed, as part of their gambling profits compulsory community contribution. Council has community land that could be used for such a worthwhile cause, it just needs Councillors to support it.