One in three people in NSW would benefit from a clearer set of rules around the termination of rental properties as detailed in Labor’s latest announcement on making housing affordable and fairer.
Labor has promised that if elected in 2019 it would remove the so called “no grounds” provisions that allows landlords to evict tenants without giving a reason.
Local Member for Macquarie Fields, Anoulack Chanthivong, was joined by the Shadow Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation, Yasmin Catley, in highlighting Labor’s case for a fairer, more stable rental market in NSW.
Almost 24,000 people live in rented accommodation in Mr Chanthivong’s electorate, representing around 30 percent of all households.
“Almost one in three people in our community live in rental accommodation and they pay good money to live in their homes,’’ the local MP said.
“NSW Labor will be putting rules in place which recognise the rights and responsibilities of both the landlord and the tenant,’’ Mr Chanthivong said.
“This is positive news for the many families in our community which do the right thing and do not deserve to be kicked out of their home without a good reason,’’ he said.
Labor says that with housing becoming less and less affordable and stagnant wage growth, more people are now renting and also for longer time periods.
Tenant advocates, academics and church groups have pointed to the use of no grounds evictions by unscrupulous landlords to remove tenants who have asked for basic repairs.
“Removing the ability for an unscrupulous landlord to evict a tenant will help ensure renters have the confidence to stand up for their rights,’’ Ms Catley said.
[social_quote duplicate=”no” align=”default”]“People shouldn’t be scared to point out a broken window or a leaking tap just in case the landlord decides to turf them out.’’[/social_quote]
Mr Chanthivong and Ms Catley said Labor said it would work with landlords, tenants and industry stakeholders in coming up with a fair set of rules around grounds for evictions.
Grounds would include the need to sell, family reasons, as well as breaches by the tenant.
Besides ending unfair evictions, Labor would work towards longer term lease templates as well as restricting rent increases to once a year.
“Labor’s Fair Go for Renters provides more balance, stability and fairness in rent laws in NSW,’’ Ms Catley said.
The need for landlords to provide a reason for a termination notice was already the law in Tasmania and the ACT and the Victorian Government recently announced its intentions to end unfair evictions.