Labor’s top four offer 65 years of council experience

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The retirement of sitting councillors combined with the Liberal Party fiasco will mean that there will be at least seven new faces – and many as nine – on Campbelltown Council after tomorrow’s local government election.

That will be a lot of inexperience in a full four year term.

But there will be some experienced councillors returning to the chamber.

And that’s where the Labor Party comes in.

The top four candidates on the Labor ticket for this election bring a combined 65 years of experience on Campbelltown Council.

Party leader Darcy Lound has been on council for 12 years, while Masood Chowdhury and Karen Hunt were both first elected in 2016.

But the bulk of the years of experience comes from Meg Oates, who was first elected in 1987.

Meg Oates pictured at the last council meeting in August. If she is elected after tomorrow’s election she will reach 40 years on council in 2027. Top: Darcy Lound handing out yesterday. Photos by South West Voice Photography.

Based on previous elections all four will be re-elected and it’s only a question of how many Labor candidates will be sitting around the council chamber at the first meeting after this poll.

The South West Voice interviewed Darcy Lound yesterday while he was handing out at pre-poll in the civic centre and asked him what that level of experience meant.

“Yes, indeed, this gives us a wealth of knowledge about how council operates, and the experience we need to provide stability going into a new term of council,’’ he said.

“It’s going to be a lot of change with this council, obviously, with no Liberals, and there may be some surprises as well,’’ Cr Lound said.

I also asked Cr Lound what the rest of his candidates will bring to the table if some of them are elected.

“They’ve lived in the area for a long time, so they’re all locals and understand Campbelltown and what it needs moving forward,’’ he said.

The fallout from the failure of the Liberal Party to nominate any candidates could be interesting according to Cr Lound.

“I’ve got a feeling the informal vote may be slightly higher, ‘’ he said.

“I am hoping some will vote Labor, but I think generally it will be scattered across the independents, to be honest.’’

The 2024 election campaign is the first for Darcy Lound as leader of the Labor Party.

“I found the campaign to be really good, and I have had a lot of support from our local branches, people involved and my team on the ticket,’’ he said.

“I have found it very rewarding, challenging at times, but yes, rewarding.

“I am looking forward to a new tern, a fresh start, new faces, new faces on the Labor team as well as the independents.

“Definitely looking forward to the challenge of the next four years.’’

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