BC Burgers in Oxley Street, Camden has a brand new champion in its Man v BC 1 kilogram burger challenge.
Last Sunday afternoon Jonathan Hulks made mincemeat – sorry about the pun – of his giant burger stack in just four minutes and 25 seconds when round three of the challenge was held at BC Burgers.
That’s 33 seconds quicker than Augustine Inosesio in second place at four minutes and 58 seconds.
More than a minute later, Callum Kous nabbed third place after taking five minutes and 28 seconds to eat his giant burger.
There were 19 competitors all up, and for those who are fascinated by statistics – and who isn’t – the average eating time was seven minutes and 56 seconds.
If you reckon you can eat such a massive burger quicker than Joanathan look out for round 4 of the Man V BC Burger 1 kilogram challenge next January.
♦ Ingleburn business chamber’s next meeting will clash with the State of Origin decider next Wednesday night, July 12.
But the chamber executive is on the ball, to coin a phrase, and has brought the meeting forward an hour to 6pm to accommodate footy fans who might want to watch the big game.
In its email to members, the chamber says the registration desk will be open from 5.30 at the venue, the recently refurbished meeting room of the Ingleburn RSL club.
Guest speaker is Mr Wayne Rylands, director of city delivery at Campbelltown City Council.
He will be speaking on the recently finalised Ingleburn CBD traffic study, as well as on other transport and traffic studies.
“This is an important opportunity to find out about Campbelltown City Council’s forward thinking on the Ingleburn CBD in terms of traffic planning and car park planning,’’ says the chamber in its emailed message to members.

♦ Do people still chew gum?
They must in Liverpool, because enviro activist Ian Bailey is on the warpath again, telling council at its last meeting that he has spotted chewing gum in the new Macquarie Street Mall.
But that wasn’t Mr Bailey’s only gripe: washing on balconies of smart new high rises was an eyesore on the landscape of Liverpool, he said.
“Just to simply drive or walk through Liverpool provides a landscape and visual experience that is disappointing,’’ Mr Bailey told the council.
♦ You won’t be surprised to hear that the Macarthur Greens have called on Campbelltown Council to refuse to participate in the Federal Government’s PaTH Internship program.
This is an attempt by the government to do something about youth unemployment, which is going from bad to worse.
But the Greens, who from time to time make the rest of us wonder what planet they’re from, say it’s “government-sanctioned exploitation of young people and the destruction of jobs’’.
Indeed Greens councillor Ben Moroney has given notice of a motion which calls on Campbelltown Council to refuse to participate in PaTH.
“The government is going to pay businesses a thousand dollars to take on free labour from young people, and give them only four dollars an hour for their work,’’ Cr Moroney said.
“Not only is this going to set back young people socially and financially, it will displace permanent workers and undermine pay and conditions.
“Council needs to show leadership in this area by refusing to participate in PaTH,’’ he said in a media statement.
Some people would say the Greens need to get a grip on reality from time to time.
♦ Chili Joe’s last day at the office drew large number of long term fans to the Campbelltown bowling club last Friday.
The restaurant was very busy during lunch and fully booked out for the last dinner a few hours later.
Chili Joe promised to return once he had a decent break for his health’s sake.
♦ When the annual Dry July drive was launched this week at South West Sydney Local Health District everyone got into mocktails (non alcoholic cocktails).
It reminded South West Confidential of a story many years ago when Dry July first started.
A man at a Sunday party was telling everyone he couldn’t drink because he was taking part in Dry July.
At one stage his wife chimed in: Yes, it means it will be a very wet August.

Sam Kontos
Craig Shaw