Picture: Gavin Leung/Football NSW
Jenny Mazuran has been a member of the Tahmoor Soccer Club since 1992.
She was awarded life membership to the club in 2009 for her service to the club. As well as club duties, Jenny has been actively involved at Macarthur Association level and was awarded life membership of the association in 2011 for her many years of dedication.
Now she has received an even bigger honour: a Footbal NSW 2014 State Award.
She was presented with her award at Football NSW’s State Dinner, which was held at the Rosehill Gardens Grand Pavilion.
NSW Minister for Sport and Recreation Stuart Ayres joined oither dignitaries to help Football NSW recognise and acknowledge the elite few who have provided consistent and invaluable service at the community level, including Jenny Mazuran.
Jenny has seen all of her children pass through the Tahmoor Soccer Club and 2014 was the first year where Jenny had no children at the club, but she was still heavily involved on game day as well as remaining secretary of the club.
State Award winners are nominated by their Association in recognition of their tireless efforts and service to football in their local community. These awards formally recognise individuals who have provided consistent and valuable service at any level – club, association, branch or state.
These contributions may include services such as: committee member, coach, manager, match official, canteen manager or grounds person.