If you were on social media this morning, you had to be on your toes
Because today is Monday, April 1, April Fools Day, that’s why.
And because unless it happens on social media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc, it doesn’t really happen.
But it is true that we don’t go for big pranks anymore on April Fools Day.
Which is a shame because nobody died – that I know of – as a result of an April Fools joke.
I guess people change and things change and this old tradition now lives on in cyberspace and social media platforms.
Which is better than nothing.
Can you remember some great April Fools Day jokes you were witness too? Send them in to me and we can publish the best ones.
As for me, here’s the Top 5 April Fools Day jokes that I can remember.

Number 1 : Without a doubt it was a Sydney radio station broadcasting all morning on April 1 many years ago that a giant iceberg had floated all the way from Antarctica into Sydney Harbour. Thousands rushed to the city, but alas, there was nothing to see.
Number 2. Another media stitch up, an official letter to a newspaper’s advertising manager advising him the paper was closing down. Poor fellow went white while reading it.
Number 3. Over the years there have been many, many reports of western suburbs panther sightings, and all were on April 1.
Number 4. Likewise, untold number of UFO sightings, taken seriously by many people, including some who should know better.
Number 5. My all time favourite: saying to every fellow you bump into on April 1, mate, your shoelaces are undone and getting 99 percent of them looking down at their footwear.